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The 1950’s Fabulous Foursome! This is a fan site of the original Diamonds of the 1950s. All hailing from Canada, they made their way to the U. S., and with their songs and energy, endeared themselves to their fans forever.
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These three recordings and MP3s are available at Amazon
Visit Tony's excellent site on early Rock & Roll. Stroll
See Australia’s Greg Morris’s page on the Diamonds Stroll
Tom Simon has a great site dedicated to many pop artist of this era.
The Mercury Years Available thru Amazon
25 Golden Hits Available thru Amazon
2001 - "Doo-Wop 51" - A Compilation of Doo-Wop artist, The Diamonds sing “Little Darlin” and “The Stroll”.  This live DVD is available thru Amazon.
2004 - "Magic Moments- The Best Of '50s Pop" - The Diamonds sing “Little Darlin”. This live DVD is available thru Amazon.
The Stroll - 2 Cd Set Available thru Amazon
Below are seven compilation albums and three videos that are available for your enjoyment (Click on album cover for product information)
2004 - “More Magic Moments-The Best of '50s Pop” - The Diamonds sing “Church Bells May Ring”, and “Silhouettes”. DVD is available thru Amazon.
Rare Gems Available thru Snailworx
See and hear the latest group of The Diamonds. The thread still runs from the original group to this current version of The Diamonds. Tight harmonies and very entertaining. Their latest CD available at their WEBSITE
Pop Hits “Plus” Available thru Bear Records
4-CD Set Available thru Amazon
Singles - 2-CD Set Available thru Amazon