“Alderson's Longest Running News Media"
ALDERSON MAIN STREET - NEWS RELEASE P.O. Box 117, Alderson, WV  24910 Improving The Community One Project At A Time Contact:  Margaret Hambrick  304-646-2439
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Alderson Main Street August Meeting
18 Aug 2023 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting Minutes (DRAFT) The monthly meeting of Alderson Main Street, Inc (AMS) was held 17 August 2023 at the Train Depot at 7pm. Officers present were Don Sutherland and Margaret Hambrick. Sheena Pendley was not able to be present. Four other members were present and one visitor. Major items are as follows: 1. Previous minutes were approved. 2. Treasurer’s Report . Finances are in very good shape. The Strawberry Festival deficit is an error, Margaret will correct the numbers. The 2023 edition of the Alderson booklet is complete, need a press release (Margaret to write). Report was approved. 3. Depot numbers regular Saturday visitor numbers are on the left, Open Mic attendees on the right. 4. Old Business: a. Bricktop concert follow-up: Doris K. counted 75 attendees. Two entities that could have provided food fell through, although we did have $40 of water sales and donations. Need flyers earlier and more advertisement. Consider not having the event at the same time as the WV State Fair. The consensus opinion is the event, as currently performed, is not a “Tribute to Bricktop” and needs much more depth. The bridge location may be picturesque but is scorching with the sun directly in the faces of the audience. Consider moving to the gazebo, although the grant is from Greenbrier County and the gazebo is Monroe county. Mary Dailey will offer a proposal for next year’s iteration (date TBD). b. Christmas Tea Recipe Book: Doris K. will work with Belinda to combine stories from the Old Victorian Inn with recipes used during the annual tea event. c. Annual Planning Calendar – no change. d. Gallery move to new building: 14 September is moving day, volunteers are appreciated. e. Fall Festival: Initial planning meeting was held 28 July. Will AMS have a table? Yes, with any brochures, booklets, and other information available. Rain date for significant rain/storm will be the following Saturday, even though that may cause vendors to be unavailable due to competing events. Mary Dailey volunteered to coordinate music for CY 24 festival. Next meeting will be 25 August, 5:30 pm at the Depot. Fawn may be able to coordinate student “posters” to be placed in storefronts in town. f. Move to annual fund drive: Sheena was not available to discuss proposals. 5. New Business: a. Don will arrange an initial planning meeting in September for Gem of the Hills events in December. If anyone wants to volunteer to be the primary coordinator, AMS will provide some level of compensation. b. There will be a “back to school” event on 27 August from 1-3 pm with a goal of providing school supplies for Alderson students. Don will see if AMS can provide a table at the event. Motion passed to provide $100 to support school supplies. c. AMS may have to assist the Town with a fund raiser to provide new lights on the Town tree in front of the Fire Station. 6. Next meeting is scheduled for 21 Sep 23, 10:00 am at Fruits of Labor. Submitted by: Don Sutherland Accepted as official minutes: