“Alderson's Longest Running News Media"
ALDERSON MAIN STREET - NEWS RELEASE P.O. Box 117, Alderson, WV  24910 Improving The Community One Project At A Time Contact: Don Sutherland  1-804-731-9871 or  Margaret Hambrick   	    304-646-2439
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Alderson Event Calendar Planning Meeting Nov. 8, 2023
Sheena Pendley Nov. 8, 2023 Discussion of current and previous festivals. Ideas of new: Lion Days March could be a great time. Would be at various locations. Maybe not a complete festival, but people and businesses could decorate. Maybe a story walk Maybe puzzle piece scavenger hunt The county’s only Lion Hunt ;) Lion themed stories, flags, art Activities for school aged children Lion flags up for March Maybe a Lion parade. Walk your lion across the bridge. A pedestrian parade. - Lamppost decorating to be included, if adoptees/others are willing Possible date? March 18th - 23rd March 23rd Culminating Events, Alderson Lion Day Scavenger Hunt Doris K - Find 20 specific Lions in Alderson Sheena - Map, prizes - maybe ice cream Dance - maybe at VFD, Brian Cheryl - Kid’s art day - would need materials, maybe do it at the school AMS Social Old Victorian Inn April 12th - 6pm Bricktop Costume party Strawberry Festival May 25th Coordinating - Sonya Shafer Sheena will help with marketing, etc. anything needed Maybe a flea market area? Maybe for non-profits Food trucks in front of the depot 4th of July Doris G - gospel music will be brought back, it wasn’t able to happen last year Ice cream Social - we can plan closer to the day Bricktop Usually happens in August, on bridge, evening 5:30/6pm, for about 8 years Needs revived/revised. It’s hot. Needs to be more focused on Bricktop specifically. Attendance is mostly Susanna fans, not really much interest in the “Bricktop” part Don - we could sell water again, and maybe hotdogs Ideas: Maybe have Susanna focus more on history and more storytelling, or do something completely different Maybe - talk about history, then have singing, weave it all together Costume party - dress like the 20s Mary - has talked with Cathey Sawyer, she may be able to give great input Cathey wrote a play, but really would need to be a staged presentation. Needs more advertising Weave in more storytelling - Fawn is willing Birthday cake, for Bricktop’s Birthday Dress up is encouraged Fall Festival Sheena - will send to CVB and WV Tourism Will be Oct 5th Focus more on music, focus on Appalachian music this year Has brought in lots of business, especially for the Artisan Gallery opening Don has talked w/Travis about having local cider tastings and selling bottles, no “heavy drinking” :)

Christmas tea

Tickets on sale, could use more servers, dish washers, and help the day before.

Jim and Sheena will be on dish duty. Doris G will help plating, Sheena will help too before dish duty begins

:) Melinda Russell will help. Cheryl and Mary will help.