1928 - Alderson High School - 1968



Mary, Mary, Quite Extraordinary

Barry Worrell  - August 11, 2013

Greetings Folks. Below is a photo of Mary Morgan's garden with her commentary. It shouldn't be a surprise considering the extraordinary person she is. I am a little jealous for the only thing I can grow well is the hair in my nose and ears.  Hmmmmm, I wonder if she cuts her own grass?

Hi Friends and Family: A friend took this most flattering picture of my garden. From this distance it does look great. I have now havested 2 red tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 4 small yellow tomatoes and a bushel of spinach. It is the most peaked vegetable garden I've ever grown. Nothing edible has wanted to grow this year. But the 7 year old gladiolas have multiplied and added great color along with the cannas. I'm off to the farmer's market tomorrow for corn, red tomatoes and beets. Hope your summer is a delight. Mary M. Morgan

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