A Former Publication Of Alderson High School

"Alderson's Longest Running News Media"



Directions To Think About

 John McCurdy 2-23-21

A short walk will take one from the east end of Aldersons Main Street to the west end, if you should walk a bit further you'll Pass the City Limits sign on your left

Some little bit further, maybe too far to walk, and you will be confronted by two massive iron gates massive stone walls that go nowhere, they just hold up the sign that somberly announces that you are entering the Alderson Federal industrial Institution. Not a building is in sight! The road continues on around several curves and still no structures. My guess is that Visitors, on their initial trip start feeling just a little bit apprehensive. Maybe start wondering if they should proceed much further!

Just about that time a building appears, a new england style small house, another curve and the vista changes dramatically. It is obviously, as shown by the much larger Gate that although open, clearly indicates one should stop.

That's what I wanted you to do, stop and look to your left, see the white fence? If you could stroll up the short distance, one encounters a little concrete monument on which these words have been written. "Here lies Pal, the best friend an old con ever had".

Within eyesight is a white fence. Several granite stone note the name of the person who is there interred.

None of them, nor Pal, are kin of mine or anyone I know of. I have no idea if, who or what they are, or where they are from. I know where they are and I know they had a mother and father and perhaps children. someone thinks enough of them to mow the grass occasionally and paint the white fence, when it needs it!

It says something about the goodness of mankind, that occasionally we do think of the forgotten and perhaps say a silent prayer.

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