1928 - Alderson High School - 1968



From the Heart of a Mother

Causby Parker - April 1, 2015

From the Heart of a Mother ........
She bore you, she trained you,
She rocked and she loved you,
She made an oath to God above,
to train & teach you, of Christ & His love; ...
Stories told to you from the day of your birth,
Of the Love of Jesus,
That's why He chose to suffer on this earth.
Mamma went that extra mile,
In her exhaustion and pain,
and gave all she had, that her child, one day might gain;
compassion and respect for others, that was her hearts desire,
the prayers from the heart of your own mother.
She cooked and cleaned, and dressed and fed,
helped with your homework,
read stories, helped with your prayers & gently tucked you in bed.
She doctored you, she cheered you on through school,
She held you tight and taught you the golden rule.
She loved you with a love, That no other can match,
Only God above knows where that love comes from.
Never lose sight of the love that was from the start,
A Mothers' love comes from the heart.
I tell you this, There is no other,
Who prays for you and loves you daily,
like your very own mother.

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