1928 - Alderson High School - 1968



Alex McLaughlin June 22, 2012

I think I have come full circle.  As a baby I had no hair. Now as fully mature (kidding) adult I no longer have any hair. Dad always said if the worst thing that could happen to a man was that he was bald then he would have a pretty good life. I have never had a hairpiece and the comb over phase was rather short lived.
When I was a baby I said baba  dada and mama and generally mumbled. I may be still mumbling. I can't hear very well. So I don't know for sure  if I am still mumbling or a Cicero in waiting. I have decided that I will not get a hearing aid until they come out with a Scottish hearing aid (i.e. costs less than $50).  A Scottish hearing aid is like a Scottish iPhone. I got one for $2 with  a two year renewal of my ATT cell phone plan.
Lance Armstrong is one of the greatest stories in sports history. A cancer survivor who won  a number of tours de France races and a great American hero. When I watched him race, I always wanted to run out of the house and jump on a bike.
I rode a bike as a kid and now at post full time working age I am riding a bike that they gave me when I retired. I think they did that so I would enjoy retirement so much that I wouldn't consider coming back to work.
The most beautiful place to ride a bike is hands down the Greenbrier Trail. It runs from Cass in Pocahontas County to Caldwell in Greenbrier County. It is a  rail trail that follows the old C& O rail line and parallels the Greenbrier River for most of the length. It is beautiful, shaded in many places and very well maintained. There is a slight downward grade from Cass to Caldwell.  Since it was a gift my bike is not a Scottish bicycle. Actually it is a Trex, pretty snazzy and middle to upper end.

At my retirement party I am convinced that a couple of the attendees came to make sure  that I was really  retiring. Half of the balance of the attendees came because there was food and punch.  The rest came to get out of work.

I had a friend who had a heart attack driving from Morgantown to Huntington. He was admitted to Saint Mary's Hospital in Huntington. I went to see him and asked if any of the people from the office had called him to check on him. He said five had and two of them asked about getting his parking space, which was at a premium, while he was away. In their haste to secure a temporary parking space, they neglected to ask about his well being.
Not everybody is that way I have one friend that if I told him I was on the moon and needed immediate assistance he would be there within 24 hours by whatever means necessary. I don't take it personally because I know 100 or so people he would do this for, There  is another cadre of friends  that would be there within  48 hours.
Two old Scottish friends were sitting in a bar over some brews. One looked across the bar at two old fellows and said "that's what we will look like in ten years". His friend replied, "that's a mirror you idiot."

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